"Like Coming Home"
These were the words of musicians Kyösti Salmijärvi and Markus Lampela as they visited the Kuusamo residence in June 2021. Their previous visit to Kuusamo had been six months earlier. "The appreciation for the work of us artists is unbelievable here." They were also appreciative of the good food, accomodation and expertive support from Kuusamo College. Their previous residency had been in the Matero residence of Arts Promotion Centre Finland. According to the duo, the Kuusamo residence offers artists excellent opportunities to be inspired and focus on work.
Salmijärvi ja Lampela aloittivat yhteisen musisointinsa 26 vuotta sitten. Soivan Siilin tarina alkoi päiväkodista ja musiikin voimasta ja siitä että haluttiin tehdä itse lauluja päiväkodin arkeen. Näihin vuosiin mahtunut lukuisia esiintymisiä,levyjä ja palkintoja. Normaalivuotena keikkoja on 150-170 kappaletta.
Salmijärvi ja Lampela began making music together 26 years ago. The story of Soiva Siili started out in nurseries and the power of music and the desire to make songs for and about everyday pre-school life. The duo has played countless concerts, released several albums and received plenty of awards. Annually they generally do 150-170 concerts.
"Soiva siili is brisk and we dare to take children’s music anywhere". Salmijärvi and Lampela visited all schools and pre-schools in Kuusamo during the week of Kuusamo Nature Photo. The songs were based on photographs and stories of Kuusamo’s renowned nature photographer Hannu Hautala "Children’s music is just as valuable culture and music as any”.
“Hopefully this is a new beginning. Culture belongs to all of us and it does all of us good", the duo concludes.